Imani is one of the top schools in Tanzania. To continue its academic excellence, we need your help.
Since 2011, Imani school holds the number one position out of 932 schools in the Kilimanjaro region. The school currently has 18 classrooms, 3 computer rooms, 4 school buses for commuting students, and more. For the school to continue to thrive, they need your help to overcome a few of the challenges they are currently facing.
Though Imani is doing the best it ever has, they still are trying to overcome challenges that are preventing them from reaching as many children as possible. These challenges include needing a library, a teacher’s quarters, boarding facilities, and a stronger fund.
The challenge we are helping them overcome is the need for more dormitories.
The current boarding students sleep 3 to a twin bed due to lack of space. With your help, we are building additional student dormitories so that each kid can have a bed of their own. This space will facilitate their ability to achieve their fullest potential.